A Welcome from the President

Welcome to the Mid-America Woodcarvers Association, or MAWA!  

The mission of the Association is to promote and advance all types of woodcarving skills among its members.  We do so through monthly meetings, our Fall Show and competition, and through The Doane Experience, held in June on the beautiful Doane University campus. 

In 2014 the Association celebrated 40 years, a major milestone.  This can only happen due to the foresight of the men and women who founded and supported the organization since its inception in 1974, as well as the continued dedication of our current members.  Our members range in experience from expert to novice bringing forward dedication and skill in woodcarving, wood sculpture and wood art. 

Association members are extremely active.  Bi-monthly workshops and open carving offer opportunities for all levels of carvers to socialize, learn, and advance their skills. You can keep up with our meetings by accessing our current and past newsletters on this site.

Our annual Fall Show serves to introduce the public to the wood arts as well as giving our members an opportunity to display their talents. Carvers from Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa as well as other states compete and display their work during this event. Plan on attending in October.

The Doane Experience, sponsored by the Association, has been an annual event for 48 years.  This signature event draws carvers from across the United States and Canada.  The Doane Experience is an intense week of instruction featuring prominent carvers as instructors and offering classes covering several carving and wood art techniques.  

I welcome you to join us at any of our meetings. Membership meetings are held on the first and third Saturday of each month, at Augustana Lutheran Church, 3647 Lafayette Avenue Omaha, NE (38th and Lafayette Ave), and begin at 9:00 a.m

All levels of carvers from beginner to advanced attend; you will find an open and welcoming atmosphere even if you have never carved before. If you have any questions regarding our organization, please feel free to contact us via the forms on the contact page.

I look forward to leading the club and drawing the best of the woodcarving arts from our current and future members.

Ken Kult
President Mid-America Woodcarvers Association 

Mid-America Woodcarvers Association
Omaha, Nebraska

  We meet Bi-monthly First & Third Saturdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Augustana Lutheran Church
3647 Lafayette Avenue
Omaha, NE

Please enter from the parking lot on the east side of the church. Meetings are held in the basement. 

Workshops are taught by our club members. 

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